Potato, Spinach & Courgette Curry ( Shak)

200g Peeled potatoes
160g Courgette
50g Spinach
1 Tbsp Oil
1/8 Tsp Rye
1/4 Tsp Cumin seeds (Jeeru)
Pinch of Hing
1 Tsp Chilli Powder
1/2 Tsp Turmeric
2 Tsp of Ground Cumin & coriander ( Dhana Jeeru)
1/2 Tsp Salt
1/2 Tsp Sugar
1-1 1/2 Cups water
6 Tbsp Chopped tomatoes
1 Tbsp Ketchup
1 Tsp Lemon Juice


Grab some baby potatoes and wash, peel and slice up into smaller pieces.


Wash and cut up the courgette and keep to the side.


Add some fresh washed spinach


Here are my spices (left to right) Salt, Chilli powder, rye, cumin seeds, turmeric and ground coriander and cumin ( Dhana Jeera).


Heat up the oil over medium heat until hot. Add the rye and cumin seeds ( they may sizzle and pop around)


In indian world we have a spice called ‘Hing’, however I’m not sure what it’s called in English – but you can get this from an indian supermarket. Add a pinch to the hot oil.#IMG_2891

Add the vegetables and stir well. Allow to cook for a minute or so.


Add the ground coriander and cumin powder, chilli, turmeric, salt and sugar IMG_2893

Stir well and allow to cook for about 2 minutes.IMG_2894

Add water, start with a cup and add more if needed.


Cover and cook over medium/low heat for about 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are cooked.


Stir in the ketchup and chopped tomatoes and cook for a further 5 mins.


Add lemon juice and take off the heat. IMG_2903

Serve with rice or rotli/Chapati and enjoy footer


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