Cake Balls

When you have left over cake tops and some buttercream frosting the best thing to do is make some cake balls. They are a lovely little treat.

Crumble up the cake using your hands.
IMG_1503If you have another type of cake, that is fine too. I mixed Chocolate cake ( from Barbie cake & vanilla Pink cake from the Stable cake) Crumble up all the cake in bowl.

IMG_1504Mixed the cake crumbled together.

IMG_1505Add a few spoons of buttercream frosting ( I had Pink vanilla buttercream left over from the stable cake).

IMG_1506Mix the buttercream with the crumbled by hand ensuring all the buttercream is mixed in.

IMG_1508Ball together a small amount of the mixture to see if it holds together, if not add some more buttercream until you get the mixture to form a ball.


Make small balls with all the mixture and set aside. IMG_1509

Melt some chocolate in a pyrex microwave safe bowl ( Chocolate cake covering works well as dries quicker.)IMG_1510

Using a flattish spoon place a ball on the spoon.IMG_1511

Dip and roll the ball in the chocolate covering the entire ball.IMG_1512

Place the chocolate covered ball on a baking sheet. The cake covering chocolate dries quickly, so if you want to add some sprinkles you will need to do this quickly.IMG_1513

Continue this with all the remaining balls.IMG_1514

Allow to dry for about 10-15 mins and remove from the paper. You can trim of the excess chocolate.IMG_1519



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